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The Latest from Tata Steel in Europe.
  • 77616
    18 Sep 2024Corporate News
    See the new Electric Arc Furnace!

    Following the UK Government’s £500 million Grant Funding Agreement in support of Tata Steel UK’s £1.25 bil

  • 77611
    18 Sep 2024Corporate News
    Expo visitors wowed by virtual EAF experience

    Experiencing Tata Steel UK’s proposed Electric Arc Furnace in Virtual Reality was the major attraction for

  • 77601
    • EAF community event close-up
    17 Sep 2024Corporate News
    Tata Steel UK launches next phase of consultation on proposed Electric Arc Furnace at Port Talbot steelworks

    Tata Steel UK has today launched the next consultation phase on its proposal to build a state-of-the-art E

  • 77051
    11 Sep 2024Corporate News
    Tata Steel signs £500 million Grant Funding Agreement with UK Government for £1.25 billion green steel project in Port Talbot

    Tata Steel announces that it has signed a  £500 million Grant Funding Agreement with the UK Governmen

Protact manufacture at Tata Steel's Duffel site
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