24 October 2023
Corporate News

Podcast: Steel has a vital role to play in a future green economy

Climate Change Committee visit Port Talbot steelplant

In the latest episode of Tata Steel UK's "SteelCast" podcast, the Climate Change Committee’s Senior Analyst for Industrial Decarbonisation, Michael Lord, spoke about the role of the committee, the importance of decarbonising energy and his hopes for the future of the UK steel industry.

The 26th episode of the company's podcast is the latest in a series that focuses on the challenges and opportunities for decarbonising the UK steel industry.

Previous episodes have included guests from within Tata Steel, customers, industry experts, academics, Trades Unions and politicians.

Topics have included the technology choices available to decarbonise, the demand from customers from green steel, the need for legislation to support such changes and the way that markets and end applications are developing to embrace the green agenda.

Host, Tata Steel's Head of PR, Tim Rutter, said: "It was great to welcome Michael and his colleagues to Port Talbot steelworks - like everyone else who visits a steel works, they were blown away by the scale, the science and the passion of our people.

"It is so interesting to be able to talk to experts in different fields about their particular perspectives and understanding of the challenges our industry faces, but also reassuring to hear again the level of support for our industry.

"It was especially interesting to hear from someone at the Climate Change Committee, to hear about their remit, their priorities and their holistic approach to reinforcing change.

"It is well worth a listen!"





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