Section properties<a id="tab1" name="tab1"></a>

EN-Construction-Product-Blue Book-Celsius 355 SHS-Section properties

Celsius® 355 SHS

Eurocode 3 - UK National Annex (BS EN 1993-1-1: 2005, BS EN 10210-2: 2006)

Dimensions Links to other design tables
SHS tube nomenclature
Celsius 355 SHS Celsius 420 SHS Celsius 460 SHS
Celsius 355 RHS Celsius 420 RHS Celsius 460 RHS
Celsius 355 CHS Celsius 420 CHS Celsius 460 CHS
Celsius 355 EHS    

1.  Dimensions and properties
2.  Classification and effective area for sections subject to axial compression
3.  Classification and effective section properties for sections subject to bending about y-y axis


SHS, Section properties - Dimensions and properties

Section designation Dimensions and properties
Size Thickness Mass
Ratio for
of area
Radius of
Torsional constants Surface area
Inertia Modulus Per metre Per tonne
h x b t M A c/t I i Wel Wpl IT Ct As  
mm mm kg/m cm2   cm4 cm cm3 cm3 cm4 cm3 m2 m2
40  x  40 3.2 3.61 4.60 9.50 10.2 1.49 5.11 6.28 16.5 7.42 0.152 42.1
3.6 4.01 5.10 8.11 11.1 1.47 5.54 6.88 18.1 8.01 0.151 37.7
4.0 4.39 5.59 7.00 11.8 1.45 5.91 7.44 19.5 8.54 0.150 34.2
5.0 5.28 6.73 5.00 13.4 1.41 6.68 8.66 22.5 9.60 0.147 27.8
6.3 6.33 8.07 3.35 14.7 1.35 7.34 9.90 25.4 10.5 0.144 22.7
50  x  50 3.2 4.62 5.88 12.6 21.2 1.90 8.49 10.20 33.8 12.4 0.192 41.6
3.6 5.14 6.54 10.9 23.2 1.88 9.27 11.30 37.2 13.5 0.191 37.2
4.0 5.64 7.19 9.50 25.0 1.86 9.99 12.30 40.4 14.5 0.190 33.7
5.0 6.85 8.73 7.00 28.9 1.82 11.6 14.5 47.6 16.7 0.187 27.3
6.3 8.31 10.6 4.94 32.8 1.76 13.1 17.0 55.2 18.8 0.184 22.1
8.0 10.0 12.8 3.25 36.0 1.68 14.4 19.5 62.3 20.6 0.179 17.9
60  x  60 3.2 5.62 7.16 15.8 38.2 2.31 12.7 15.2 60.2 18.6 0.232 41.3
3.6 6.27 7.98 13.7 41.9 2.29 14.0 16.8 66.5 20.4 0.231 36.8
4.0 6.90 8.79 12.0 45.4 2.27 15.1 18.3 72.5 22.0 0.230 33.3
5.0 8.42 10.7 9.00 53.3 2.23 17.8 21.9 86.4 25.7 0.227 27.0
6.3 10.3 13.1 6.52 61.6 2.17 20.5 26.0 102 29.6 0.224 21.7
8.0 12.5 16.0 4.50 69.7 2.09 23.2 30.4 118 33.4 0.219 17.5
70  x  70 3.2 6.63 8.44 18.9 62.3 2.72 17.8 21.0 97.6 26.1 0.272 41.0
3.6 7.40 9.42 16.4 68.6 2.70 19.6 23.3 108 28.7 0.271 36.6
4.0 8.15 10.4 14.5 74.7 2.68 21.3 25.5 118 31.2 0.270 33.1
5.0 9.99 12.7 11.0 88.5 2.64 25.3 30.8 142 36.8 0.267 26.7
6.3 12.3 15.6 8.11 104 2.58 29.7 36.9 169 42.9 0.264 21.5
8.0 15.0 19.2 5.75 120 2.50 34.2 43.8 200 49.2 0.259 17.3
10.0 18.0 22.9 4.00 133 2.41 38.0 50.3 227 54.4 0.254 14.1
80  x  80 3.2 7.63 9.72 22.0 95.0 3.13 23.7 27.9 148 34.9 0.312 40.9
3.6 8.53 10.9 19.2 105 3.11 26.2 31.0 164 38.5 0.311 36.5
4.0 9.41 12.0 17.0 114 3.09 28.6 34.0 180 41.9 0.310 32.9
5.0 11.6 14.7 13.0 137 3.05 34.2 41.1 217 49.8 0.307 26.5
6.3 14.2 18.1 9.70 162 2.99 40.5 49.7 262 58.7 0.304 21.4
8.0 17.5 22.4 7.00 189 2.91 47.3 59.5 312 68.3 0.299 17.1
10.0 21.1 26.9 5.00 214 2.82 53.5 69.3 360 76.8 0.294 13.9
90  x  90 3.6 9.66 12.3 22.0 152 3.52 33.8 39.7 237 49.7 0.351 36.3
4.0 10.7 13.6 19.5 166 3.50 37.0 43.6 260 54.2 0.350 32.7
5.0 13.1 16.7 15.0 200 3.45 44.4 53.0 316 64.8 0.347 26.5
6.3 16.2 20.7 11.3 238 3.40 53.0 64.3 382 77.0 0.344 21.2
8.0 20.1